Life, Liberty and Property

The right to own personal property is a pillar of American society.  It’s written into our constitution and was a key factor in our fight for independence.  Without full control over our persons and property, America is no better than third world banana republic.  IPRA was formed to protect this sacred right.  Through legislation and/or litigation, we will fight for Hoosiers.

Life, Liberty, and Property

The right to own personal property is a pillar of American society.  It’s written into our constitution and was a key factor in our fight for independence.  Without full control over our persons and property, America is no better than third world banana republic.  IPRA was formed to protect this sacred right.  Through legislation and/or litigation, we will fight for Hoosiers.

“Indiana Property Rights Alliance has filed suit with attorneys from Thrasher Buschmann & Voelkel, P.C. against Eric Holcomb, in his official capacity as GOVERNOR of the State of Indiana, and STATE OF INDIANA”. The Moratorium has unfairly required landlords to provide services without legal requirement of compensation. Funds were made available to assist tenants, but none were made available to struggling landlords. Please stand with us in our fight to protect our property rights and liberties.     

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Indiana Property Rights Association Works to Protect Hoosiers

Current Indiana Legislation

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Housing legislation around the country

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